Tier List and see which champions the best, the worst, most picked, least picked, most banned, least banned, in which roles are they played and counters to them. There is also Tier ranking that I think should work great.
pick or ban.
can pick in any situation and perform way better than III.
can be picked anytime.
can be only picked in some specific situations.
do not pick this champion.
Champ Statistics that provide you with Tier List information, best keystone runes and 4 secondary runes (up to your choice, any of these is alright), Summnoner Spells, Itemization and Ability Order.
Friends Tracker allows you to see how your friends are performing. That means LP, Wins, Losses, what champions do they play the most, last 4 matches. You can track friends above your region!
Match Analyzer at the moment only shows you the last 5 matches where you can click them and result will popup. At the moment I'm thinking of a way to analyze the match to provide player with useful information that can help him/her learn from mistakes made in this specific game. It will be released soon!